Monday, April 28, 2008

Mothering Generation Global

Hello all,

In today's society, we are seeing an increased awareness of the Earth and our impact upon it. It seems that everywhere we turn, we are being informed of the Green movement. Whether it be Green cleaning supplies, toiletries, makeup, or organic foods, clothing, and mattresses--more and more products within this Green lifestyle trend are emerging. It can be very difficult for parents to comprehend and make decisions through all this new information. While we want our children to be healthy, does it really have to cost so much? Do we really have to give up plastic bottles, Windex, and McDonald's?

I believe that life is about balance. I think that parents of today need to be more conscious of their impact on the earth and impart this message to their children--but I do not believe we have to buy a whole inventory of new products to reach this goal. In this Blog, I hope to discuss what it is like parenting children in a society where they are growing up with an increasingly small world; one which is newly being advertised as 'endangered' (even though this has been going on for decades). What are our options? How do we decide? What do we teach our children about these issues? How do we find balance? These are some issues that I hope to talk about with you.

Let me know of any thoughts you have on parenting children of this generation, or any topics that you would like to see covered or discussed on this Blog.

Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Very exciting! I am looking forward to keeping my eye on this blog in the future. I think it's crucial we all start thinking about these things that affect us all and start taking the actions we can in our everyday living. Even such things as simple as recycling instead of tossing, using more toxin-free products in our homes, using recycled materials, doing anything we can to help out the environment, as well as our family's and our own health. There has been such a rise in obesity especially over the years, and it would be great to start conversing and sharing about different things that work for keeping a healthy balance in our families. Bring on the blogging!

Anonymous said...

How about...who are you? Tell us about you and your kids (I'm assuming you're a parent?)

J MacKenzie said...

Yeah, I have been thinking about things that I could be doing and let me tell you there are a lot, Composting, sorting and recycling my garbage for starts. I don't if its the weather that has brought this all on in me but I plan on trying to make a bit of a difference if I can.

*Candace* said...

ouuuu... very interesting ! I can't wait to read your blogs !!

Anonymous said...

My name is Katie, I have a family of 3 with one on the way. Our first is already four years old. I've been trying to figure out better, more healthy, yet economic ways to keep our family in good shape and health! It's definitely something I am looking more into lately as there are always things coming up as warnings against these things we always took for granted and never thought twice about. There are so many respiratory conditions and new illnesses, etc that are popping up.. it's good to arm ourselves with knowledge now, rather than never

Anonymous said...

I would love to try but im lost, I dont no the anything about composting or recycling the only thing I do now is pop bottles and 95% of those is my husband. Can you tell us a bit about how to start a compost what goes into it and what doesent and does it smell really bad? Where do you keep it? If outside how do you keep the animals away?