Monday, April 28, 2008

About Me

Hello again,

Someone (Anonymous) requested that I reveal a little about myself. While I definintely plan to relate material to my own thoughts and life, etc. I hadn't said anything in my first post, so as requested I will now.

I am a full-time student in the BA/BEd program at UNB, however I am taking this spring/summer and next school year off since I am pregnant for my second son, due July 24th. I have a 5 year old son as well who will be starting Kindergarten in September. I look forward to talking about my experiences with becomming a mother of a school-aged child as well as parenting two boys. I will also hopefully be taking part in parent activities in the school, and bringing my two cents to meetings regarding Green initiatives, nutrition, exercise, mental health and well being in the school (Nashwaaksis Memorial). I live on the North Side and I am married (two years this July).

Some of the issues I would like to talk about will deal with pregnancy, infancy, and babyhood since I am getting ready for a new baby. This means that I will be sharing about breastfeeding, my decision to try cloth diapering, and my attempts to create a healthy environment for my new little one.

Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Sounds Great! Can't wait to keep reading more of your insight!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, my daughter Hannah goes to that school, shes in Kindergarten this year and will be going into gr 1 in the fall. I didnt join the the councel this year but I am next year...good to hear that someone else wants the same issues addressed at the school! Hope to see you next fall!