Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Out with the Old, in with the New

Hello all,

Time flies doesn't it? My newest edition is now almost 7 months and has changed so much over the monthes. His skinny little body has turned into a roley-poley squishy one and his desire to always be held has developed into a desire to discover and play. He has also started solid foods--which he just LOVES. Although he only wants to feed himself and hold the spoon, which he passes back to me to re-fill with whatever mush he's eating. There is no creeping or crawling yet, but I'm sure that will come with new challenges. We have recently moved into a much much larger apartment and are no longer on the North Side. My older son now attends Connaught Street School, which is fantastic. I know he misses Nashwaaksis Memorial and his teacher, Mrs. Dane, but he is fitting in well at his new school. I also now look after one aftershooler who is only a few months older than my son. I would like to take in one or two more children from the school, but no such luck yet. I'm thinking about taking in a preschooler instead, so if anyone lives downtown and needs someone, leave me a message and we'll talk!
This new year has brought everyone extra challenges with staying on budget--well at least it has for me. Especially since I am now at home with my baby. Christmas time brought me a few money saving items that are really helping with this such as;

A food processor--for making my own organic baby food (which I love)

A large soup pot--for dollar stretching meals
An indoor Aerogarden--for growing my own herbs, tomatoes, peppers and salad greens

Cookbooks and chef's knifes--for making great meals at home instead of eating out

What kinds of products help you all save money? What kinds of things are you doing at home now to help with your budget? I would love to know your ideas!